
Business Listing Photos

Successfully showcasing your business is critical to attracting serious, potentials buyers. Highlighting your business through effective images is one way to do this. Otonomy provides you with the opportunity to add multiple photographs to help bring attention and market your business.

Technical Details

  • You can upload a maximum of 12 images for each listing
  • Each image can be a maximum of 10MB in size
  • Minimum image dimensions are 500 by 350 pixels
  • Maximum image dimensions are 5000 by 5000 pixels

Learn how to resize photos here.

First Photo on a Listing

The first image you upload will be your cover image so choose this photo wisely!

We recommend that your primary image does not show the name or address of your business. At Otonomy we understand that as a business owner you are busy. We have built our platform such that only potential buyers who have earned their Essential Badge will have access to your Listing Details including all your images. This helps ensure that you only hear from serious buyers who have taken the time to register and validate their accounts.

All photos must comply with Otonomy’s Terms of Service, are subject to approval, and can be removed without notice.

Otonomy Guide Buy Sell Business in Canada

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